2014 Edition

Horizon Beautiful

Horizon Beautiful

Section: Long-Métrages

Country: Switzerland | Ethiopia

Production Year: 2013

Runtime: 90 Minutes

Director: Stefan Jäger

Screenwriters: Ephrem Alemu, Mikyias Efram, Oliver Keidel & Abiange Tahun

Cinematographers: Abraham Haile Biru & Richard Grell

Editors: Henok Birhanu, Emebet Dagne, Nahom Girma & Robin Wenger

Music Composers: Kenny Allen, Angelo Berardi & Oliver Keidel

Cast: Stefan Gubser, Henok Tadele, Kenny Allen, Rahel Teshome & Shitaye Abraha

Print Source: rzylla@arcor.de

Synopsis: Swiss soccer magnate Franz travels to Addis Ababa to promote his sport as a fountain of hope to humanity. For Admassu, a 12-year-old street kid, the chance to show off his artistry on the ball to the big boss himself seems like a magic door to a future as a soccer pro. When Franz ignores him, Admassu talks a group of halfwit thugs into kidnapping Franz. His real plan, though, is to come up as the football bosses liberator – finally opening the door to soccer heaven. But nothing goes as planned.